Tuesday 19 January 2010


     The 5 day forecast for the week suggested the sun would be an absent friend for a while.  Certainly so today.  Enjoy a panoramic,delightful view of Wharfedale as at 3 p.m.  .
       There's even a threat of sleet returning tomorrow!

       But back to the running.............last year's routine would be have seen me off road again today probably down at 9.30 pace and I must admit I was tempted to drive over to Swinsty/ Fewston.  But, contrary to much advice for the aged,  I said I would reintroduce the faster paced road runs this year so that policy was maintained today .......
despite having done so much road in the last 3 weeks. Yesterday's recovery run and "icing" on the legs seemed to have worked quite well as I managed 8 miles OK  with miles 4.5 and 6 brisk.  I say brisk but as my Garmin decided to have a rest day I have no times recorded to show for the effort.

And finally.....I leave you with a view of Denton from Ben Rhydding this afternoon!

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