Friday 6 January 2012


Need some help drawing up your list of NEW YEAR RUNNING RESOLUTIONS?  Perhaps these world class  distance runners from PAST and PRESENT can help you out. 

This famous marathon runner might suggest that it's time to FIND or change to a NEW COACH or MENTOR to get your running back on track.
 This young man would certainly seem to have profited from  his move to the man above.  But he's not suggesting you move from one continent to another. Perhaps simply a MOVE TO ANOTHER CLUB or FIND NEW TRAINING PARTNERS might be just what your running needs?

    This young lady switched from 5k and 10k on the track to the marathon in a bid to earn a place at the 2012 Olympics. A place which has still to be secured.  Perhaps 2012 IS THE YEAR FOR YOUR FIRST ATTEMPT AT THE MARATHON DISTANCE OR THE YEAR WHEN YOU REALLY COMMIT TO A MARATHON P.B?   

    If that's case  then  follow this lady's example and  RESOLVE   TO PUT THE TRAINING IN AND INCREASE IN YOUR WEEKLY MILEAGE. Though she may suggest her 120 per week is more than YOU need.  

  If you are planning to include some mass participation events  into your race programme this year,  then you may well   take part in events organised by this runner's company.  His advice is DECIDE ON YOUR EVENTS AND ENTER EARLY TO AVOID DISAPPOINTMENT.

This Olympic gold medallist would seem to be suggesting that one of your New Year resolutions should be  to look at your shoes and DECIDE if IT'S TIME TO INVEST IN A NEW PAIR.   But of course there are other manufacturers than Onitsuka Tiger (Asics)  .

This double Olympic marathon winner won one of   his races running 26.2 mile without shoes but was shod when he won his second.   So if you are thinking of running barefoot or more likely converting to minimalist shoes his advice would seem to be  ENSURE YOU BUY THE RIGHT SHOES FOR YOU and YOU ALONE; TAKING GOOD ADVICE IF NECESSARY

This current U.S. marathon runner may well go in the OLYMPIC HALL OF FAME but he has to make the U.S. 2012 team first.  If we learn nothing else from his training videos it's the importance of THE LONG RUN.  Will one of your 2012 resolutions be to TRAIN UP TO OR EVEN OVER THE MARATHON DISTANCE?

and finally...................................if you have let your running slip or stopped running altogether perhaps ONE OF YOUR 2012 RESOLUTIONS should be TO PLAN A RUNNING COMEBACK. This man did after his DNF in the New York City marathon in 2010.  He changed his mind about retirement from racing
and ran 60:18 in his COMEBACK HALF MARATHON RACE..........some return!


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