Saturday 28 November 2009


Stuck to the week's plan arriving at Seedhill, Nelson track mid morning. Dry and quite still for a change. Quiet as usual. A couple of veteran sprinters and two young lads jogging around the track. 2 warm up miles as normal, back to track,......... two young lads still jogging aroung the track.

Session to be 4 miles of "speed"......any more and I knew the pace would drift to become a speed endurance 8 x 800 with 90 second jog 100 recovery. Should be capable of 7 minute/mile pace so target is 3.30.   Make a start......two young lads still jogging around.   I run
     3: 35.6      3:34.3     3.37.6       3:34.3
Halfway.  Times are down.....not going that well........two young lads still......
     3:32.0       3:29.1      3: 28.2      3.25.7
As usual a better second half; particularly that last one. Average not too bad for another solo effort.

Cool down on the track as the 2 young lads jog on.
I join them for a while in late morning bright sunshine.
"Are you OK lads? How far are you doing?"
"Yeah, we're doing a marathon"
"Really, you know that's 104 laps!"
"Yeah" They reply as if it's a normal activity for 11 year olds on a Saturday morning.
"Why are you doing so far?"
"Keeping fit", says one.
"A challenge", says the other.
"How many laps have you done?"
"64 laps in 2 hours 39 minutes"

It's past noon now and as I get into the car to drive home the lads are still jogging around and a parent is approaching the track with bottles of Lucozade for the courageous boys.  Can't help but admire their fortitude and endeavour. Whether they'll be fit for school on Monday is another matter. At least they'll have Sunday to recover.

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